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NOTE: Many of these questions can be answered by reviewing the In-Service Training Guidelines.


When are officers obligated to receive 40 hours of training?

Full-time law enforcement officers become obligated to receive 40 hours of annual law enforcement training beginning the second full year after certification.

What does “the second full year after certification” mean?

The Central Registry operates on a fiscal year basis. In other words, the “training year” for in-service training compliance purposes runs from July 1 through June 30th.

If an officer graduates from KLETC on May 1st of 2009, that officer would not be obligated to the 40 hours training requirement until July 1st, 2010.

Who must comply with this law?

All Certified full-time Kansas officers. This includes full time officers who fit into any of these categories:

  • “Grandfathered” Officers. Those who received permanent appointments as full-time police officers or law enforcement officers prior to July 1, 1969

  • Kansas Academy Graduates. Officers who graduated from a basic course of instruction offered at the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center, or a certified state or local law enforcement training school.

  • “Reciprocity Certified” Officers. Officers who received their initial certification from another state and who have been granted reciprocity certification by the Director of Police Training pursuant to KSA 75-5608a.

  • Railroad Officers. Officers employed by railroads in Kansas who do not qualify for the federal certification exemption.

Who has the responsibility to see that an officer receives the required 40 hours of in-service training?

KSA 74-5607a(b) imposes upon the INDIVIDUAL OFFICER the obligation to receive the training. In other words, it is ultimately up to the officer to ensure that he/she receives the required training. However, KSA 74-5617(g) requires the officer’s agency to provide the opportunity to receive training; in other words, the agency must take reasonable steps to allow its officers the opportunity to obtain the required number of training hours.

What do I do if I do not meet the 40 hour requirement by June 30th?

Any full-time officer who does not meet the 40 hour training requirement by June 30th will need to write a request for extension letter to the Executive Director.

Does video training count towards the requirement?

Video training may count towards partial satisfaction of the training requirement. All video training is classified as media training. Only 20 hours of media training may be applied toward satisfaction of the training requirement. All video training must meet the following requirements:

  • the agency head, or their designee, approves such training in advance and the training is directly related to law enforcement,

  • Viewing of the video, film or disc occurs in a classroom setting. Videos cannot be viewed at the officer’s home and be counted as training,

  • A training coordinator or other department official is present to facilitate discussion or answer questions. A training coordinator need not be present if a post-viewing objective-based examination that covers the instructional material is administered to the student by the agency head and/or their designee, or administered via computer, and the student has no access to the examination or the computer system to affect, alter, or destroy the examination questions or examination results,

  • The student achieves a minimum passing score of 70% or above on a post-viewing examination, scored by the agency head, their designee, or the computer. A passing score of 70% or above is required before the training hour(s) received may be applied toward partial satisfaction of the in-service training requirement.

  • all post-viewing examinations administered, and their results, shall be maintained by the agency for five years from the date the examination was administered. These records shall be made available for inspection upon request.

I took a class that started in June but ended in July.  Which training year will those hours count for?

Updated - If a training course extended over two training years, it is possible to report this as two separate courses. This would ensure that the hours earned in each training year were applied for the appropriate year.

For example, an officer took a course that lasted from 6/30/2017-7/2/2017. This course could be reported as two separate courses. The hours earned on 6/30/2017 could be counted toward the 2017 training year, and the hours earned from 7/1/2017-7/2/2017 could be counted toward the 2018 training year.

If there is any question on how to report a course, you may email [email protected].

Can I enter my training hours online?

To enter training hours online, an officer must be approved by the agency head for such entry and take the online data entry training course.  If you are interested in taking the online data entry course, you may register for the online course here.

Can credit from college courses fulfill the training requirement?

University, college or community college credits earned may be applied toward satisfaction of the annual in-service requirement if:

  • They are earned during the applicable training year;

  • They are earned in subjects related directly to law enforcement;

  • They are earned from an accredited institution; and

  • They are earned with the agency head’s approval.

Such credits will be counted as 15 hours of training per semester credit hour earned. For example, an officer who receives credit for a three hour course in Juvenile Delinquency should be credited with 45 in-service hours. Obviously, such credit would entirely satisfy the officer’s in-service training requirement for that year.

Are there any courses that I am required to take?

All law enforcement officers are required to take a Bias Based Policing course once every training year. There is currently no hour requirement for such training.


Can an officer qualify himself or herself for firearms training if he or she is teaching the course?

All officers must qualify under a designated rangemaster or instructor other than themselves.

I have received training hours for qualifying for firearms. Why does the training website say that I haven’t qualified yet?

KSCPOST Firearms Qualification should be reported online using the classification "Firearms" and by clicking the checkbox that states "Please check this box if this training was toward the KSCPOST Firearms Qualification Requirement." If the officer's name is missing from the report, then please check that the training was classified as "Firearms." If the officer shows "No" under the column indicating whether the training was for qualification, then please check that the checkbox is checked.

What counts as firearms training?

Any range course that counts toward qualification is considered firearms training. Additional training that includes more advanced exercises can be classified as “unclassified” training.


Can a new Police Chief sign the “Termination or Separation” form for the departing Police Chief?

The “Termination or Separation” form, must be signed by the Agency Head or Appointing Authority, as stated on the form. The appointing authority for the Police Chief is the individual who has the authority to hire or terminate the Police Chief, such as the City Manager, City Administrator, Mayor, etc. For example: A Police Chief is resigning from an agency. The Police Chief’s “Termination or Separation” form must be signed by the City Manager, City Administrator, Mayor, etc. The form will not be accepted if the form is signed by the Chief’s replacement and will be returned to the agency for correction.

Can an incoming or promoted Police Chief sign his or her own “Demographic and Employment Information” form or “Officer Status Change” form?

If a “Demographic and Employment Information” form is completed for an incoming Police Chief or an “Officer Status Change” form is completed for an officer’s rank change to Police Chief, it must be signed by the City Manager, City Administrator, Mayor, etc. The form will not be accepted if it is signed by the incoming Police Chief and will be returned to the agency for correction.


Why does the website look funny on my computer?

This website is now responsive to different screen sizes. If you are having problems with viewing the website correctly, then please clear out your browsing history and reload the website.


NOTE: The following information applies to ONLINE AGENCIES ONLY.

An officer is on the online roster for training and he/she doesn’t work here anymore. What do I do?

If an officer is listed on the online roster for training and the officer is no longer employed for your agency, it is possible the officer hasn’t ever been disassociated with the agency where he/she was once employed. Please complete and submit a Termination or Separation form to KS·CPOST.

Where do I go to enter training online?

For those who have attended the data entry course and were provided with a username and password, you can enter training by typing into your address bar. This is also available under the "Training > Central Registry Database" option in the menu above.

When is the next available class for Online Entry?

Since KS·CPOST has moved to a new database program, the training for Online Data Entry has moved to an online format. Click here to register for the Online Data Entry course through KLETC's Blackboard program.

Why haven't I received my username and password?

To receive login credentials after completing the Online Data Entry Course, you will need to send your completion certificate and the Request for Online Access form to KSCPOST. These items are only available in the Online Data Entry course under "Handouts and Supplemental Materials." You can send it by fax, mail, or email. As the email is an automated email, it may be sent to your Spam or Junk Email folder.